spent over 30 years working in the Telecommunications
industry with British Telecom in a number of senior
positions. Tony’s main area of expertise has surrounded
architecting distributed computing solutions for
OSS/BSS environments. In recent years he has been
providing consultancy advice on the development
of Operational Support Systems for operators and
vendors in the telecommunications industry. Tony
has also been an advisor/consultant to the European
Community Information Software & Technology projects
and has also contributed to a number of these
projects. Tony has been involved with the definition
and specification of the NGOSS Architecture for
the past five years. In particular he has been
responsible for developing the early NGOSS architectural
approach and now manages the building of business
and technical relationships with other Industry
Groups to further NGOSS deveopment and industry
uptake. Tony has a deep understanding of cross
industry distributed computing and related standards
and how to apply these in the context of NGOSS
to the development of OSS/BSS solutions.
